Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.
A Sometimes Forgotten Evil
Today, I would like to talk about a food related health issue. A recent report by PWC estimated that it costs the UK economy around £15 billion pounds per annum. The NHS spends £500 million pounds per year treating it, and much more trying to deal with the chronic health conditions that arise in sufferers. It has a horrendously high rate of mortality with many of its victims dying at tragically young ages. To make matters worse, it appears to be on an unstoppable rise, with hospital
The Shocking Truth Behind Clara Gluten-Free Water
I recently found myself on a long haul train journey down to London. Everything was good with the world as I nicely settled myself into the joyous peace of the Quiet Coach... Mmmm. Quiet Coach. A chance to be miserably unsociable without facing the usual criticism. ...idly checking Facebook and Twitter. Regular Angry Chef contributor ShazzBakes had sent through a link to a website, adding her own tagline that ‘Civilisation is Over’. It did appear that she might be correct as the link
The Convenience Truth - Part 5
Hold on, just checking the list. Yep, I think you managed to offend everyone. Why thank you. That was definitely part of the plan for The Convenience Truth Parts 1-4. Like there’s a plan. It was supposed to be a trilogy. Unfortunately, when you challenge an easily believed rhetoric like ‘convenience foods are bad and are making us all sick’, you tend to cause a bit of upset. You are likely to be challenging people’s fundamental beliefs, attacking something that sits at the core of their