Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.
The unstoppable decline of football in the East Midlands
Now, I know that you all look forward to my next sweary rant at the latest clean eating star, but I am afraid you will have to wait. Today, we are going to try and learn something, OK. Oh. Do we have to Angry Chef? Yes we do. Angry Chef is not all about fun, games and curse words you know. Sometimes we have to acquire some new skills. If all I did was swear about the latest Joe Wicks wannabee, or tongue-scraping instablogger nutrimodel, where would we be. I am not always going to be there to
The Irritating Superstars of Health and Fitness
The guilty secrets of an Angry Chef I have guilt. I have been working with food for the past twenty years. Ten years of that was in restaurants and ten years as a development chef in the food manufacturing industry. In that time a huge food related health and obesity crisis has unfolded and I can’t help feeling responsible. All that cream, butter and sugar I fed people. All those rich sauces and indulgent desserts. I know it is not entirely my fault, but it does play on my mind. As a sort of
Childhood Dreams, a Moment of Clarity and a Reluctant Engagement with Social Media
I had a weird out of body experience recently that I want to tell you about, but firstly a brief apology. The ‘Defence of Convenience’ thing I posted last weekend went a bit crazy (I had to turn my phone off for a while on Sunday) and I have been struggling to keep up with correspondence. It appears there is more support for convenience food than I anticipated and despite loosing a few followers I hardly seem to have alienated anyone. It is rich vein and something that I will definitely return