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Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.


  1. The Magical Adventures of Mr Faecalbulk

    The Magical Adventures of Mr Faecalbulk

    The Magical Adventures of Mr Faecalbulk - Part 1 In 2015, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) produced a report for the UK government on carbohydrates. You might remember it. It told us all off for eating way too much sugar. Naughty us. Do we have any fizzy cola bottles left? This produced a raft of media headlines, mostly because it made some new recommendations concerning the amount of free sugars we should be consuming, and the wide disparity between that and the amount
  2. One Angry Year

    One Angry Year

    Happy New Year Hello all. It has been a year since I started writing the Angry Chef blog and much has happened in that short time. What started as little more than a middle aged man swearing and talking to himself has become a widely read blog where a middle aged man swears and talks to himself. This change has resulted in my life being transformed, as it has come to light that I have the ability to write stuff that some people enjoy reading. This is a strange twist of fate, as I am an
  3. The Milk of Human Foolishness Part 2

    The Milk of Human Foolishness Part 2

    PART 2 Last time we looked at the links made between dairy and cancer and why the outlying theories of a geologist are often given more credence than those of serious scientific organisations like the World Cancer Research Fund, WHO, NHS, Cancer Research or The Irish Cancer Society. For anyone with an interest in science and evidence, the existence of these sort of links and their prevalence in the media is deeply upsetting. I hate to see foods unnecessarily demonised and can’t help but