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Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.


  1. Don't Believe Anyone Who Tells You Not to Eat Polar Bears

    Don't Believe Anyone Who Tells You Not to Eat Polar Bears

    I did say this would be about food waste, but I have got distracted again. A few things have been getting under my skin recently. As most of you will know, the one thing that has been making me particularly angry these past few months is the trend for clean eating and the surrounding proliferation of Instagram fuelled nutribabble. Especially when it is nutribabble that poses as real science. It is curious that bad science seems so prevalent when it comes to the worlds of food and health. Many
  2. Victoria Beckham's Bowels are the Enemy of Truth

    Victoria Beckham's Bowels are the Enemy of Truth

    Just a quick rant today. I have been busy with work stuff the last week (in the words of the great philosopher Steven Seagal in his chef pleasing master work Under Siege, ‘I also cook’), and feeling pretty positive, so not much time to be angry. I have been thinking a lot about a couple of subjects. Firstly food waste, which for various reasons is filling a big part of my work life at the moment, and secondly behavioural change, which informs much of what I have been writing about recently. I
  3. The Greatest Food Myth of Them All

    The Greatest Food Myth of Them All

    I was asked a couple of questions recently, and they have been bothering me. Firstly, why do people believe in all the pseudoscience around? Secondly, what can be done that will change their behaviour and beliefs? I will return to what can be done another time, as it is the big issue that keeps me awake at night so deserves a blog of its own. Today I want to focus on why people believe. If you have found the Angry Chef blog and are reading this, you probably have a background or an interest in