Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.
The Most Powerful Chef in The Universe
I am Angry, Prince of Chefland and defender of the secrets of Angry Chef Towers. This is Dog, my fearless friend. Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic whisk and said… BY THE POWER OF POTATOES I HAVE THE POWER Dog became the mighty Battle Dog, and I became Angry Chef, the most powerful chef in the universe. Only a few others share this secret… our friends Captain Science, Evidence Warrior and Mrs Angry Chef. Together we defend Angry Chef Towers from the
The 10 surprising nutritionists that real scientists say they would never touch
Once again, today’s blog post is going to be a little bit different. Oh, for fucks sake. Sorry, I mean for fuck’s sake. Or do I mean for fucks’ sake? Not sure which. Anyway, why can’t we get back to the posts where we prove how superior and clever we are by patronising some gluten-ignorant, spirulina munching health bloggers? Have we changed things because we keep on getting invited to talk at their conferences and events? No. I am not quite sure why we we have been getting these
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes? In today’s post, a rare departure from my usual expletive laden rant, I would like to talk about one of my heroes. Boo. That sounds boring. I think everyone prefers the swearing, insulty ones. What, you’ve been doing some focus groups have you? No. It’s just that verbally bullying people makes us feel superior and important. Contrary to what we were told at school, swearing is definitely big and clever. Hmmm. Well perhaps that explains why the sort of