Childhood Dreams, a Moment of Clarity and a Reluctant Engagement with Social Media
The Irritating Superstars of Health and Fitness
May 02, 2016
The guilty secrets of an Angry Chef I have guilt. I have been working with food for the past twenty years. Ten years of that was in restaurants and ten years as a development chef in the food manufacturing industry. In that time a huge food related health and obesity crisis has unfolded and I can’t help feeling responsible. All that cream, butter and sugar I fed people. All those rich sauces and indulgent desserts. I know it is not entirely my fault, but it does play on my mind. As a sort of
An unfashionable defence of convenience
Apr 23, 2016
Undoubtedly the big food industry news this week concerned the decision by Mars to label a number of their products as being only suitable for consumption occasionally due to high levels of fat, salt or sugar. It was an interesting and unexpected move and one that generated a great deal of PR for the brands concerned, namely Dolmio and Uncle Ben’s. Feedback seemed generally positive and I have to admit that I admire them for taking something of a stand for the preserving of flavour. For some
The voices in my head told me to believe Davina McCall
Apr 16, 2016
So, let’s imagine that some day in the future, Angry Chef and Gwyneth Paltrow are down the bookies on a Saturday afternoon. We decide to go across the road to Greggs to get something to line our stomachs before heading to the White Lion for a couple of pints. Just as we are crossing the road, clearly distracted by the thought of processed meat wrapped in delicious flaky pastry, bang, we are both hit by a car (presumably in this bizarre fantasy world it is driven by Jeremy Clarkson). As we both
Want to see something really scary?
Apr 08, 2016
On a week when my daughter started taunting me with packets of courgetti in the supermarket, somebody asked me what it is about the new stars of clean eating that bothers me so much. I must admit that, although I do firmly believe that a lot of the advice given out by the likes of Ella Woodward and the Hemsley sisters is damaging, sometimes when I am making fun of them for their alkalizing lemon water or toxic tongue scrapers, it feels a bit like I am punching a lovable puppy in the face