Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.

The Milk of Human Foolishness - Part 1

Saturday, December 10, 2016


  1. Welcome to Angry Chef
    Welcome to Angry Chef
    Nov 25, 2016
    For one reason or another, over the past couple of months we seemed to have picked up quite a few new Angry Chef readers, so I thought that it might be time for a bit of housekeeping. I appreciate that, apart from a dedicated few who have been here since the early days, to most people the world of the Angry Chef might just seem a little bit impenetrable and weird. I started this blog earlier this year, born out of years of frustration at the nonsense and bullshit pseudoscience that pervades
  2. God Bless America
    God Bless America
    Nov 08, 2016
    Yes he’s back, back again. ACs back, tell a friend. Yep, Angry Chef is back. After a few months of fairly intense book writing and only occasional posts, I now solemnly swear to get back to writing here regularly. Every 2 weeks at least. Maybe. I have a long list of stuff, so be ready. It appears that writing a book is actually pretty fucking hard. Tell me about it. I need a lie down. Do we have to do a blog post? Yes we do. More and more dietary bullshit appears all the time and we
  3. Clean Eating is Dead
    Clean Eating is Dead
    Oct 22, 2016
    Clean Eating is dead. Yay! Did we kill it? No, not at all. Although we did try. Someone should tell ‘Clean Eating Alice’. That way she can change her name before she brings out another book. Maybe too late for that. Although I am not convinced that ‘Clean’ is her real name. How do we know it is dead? Because the Internet said so. In a recent article on her website, the High Priestess of all things clean, a certain Ella Mills (nee Woodward) announced Clean Eating’s sad demise. Like the
  4. WTF is wrong with potatoes?
    WTF is wrong with potatoes?
    Sep 23, 2016
    For anyone who missed the news, I am trying to write a book at the moment. What? Us writing a book? How did that happen? To be honest I am not really sure, but it involved a few fairly surreal meetings in London where I had to pretend I wasn’t completely out of my depth. At one point I was told I was zeitgeisty and had to go home and look it up. Once you had worked out how to spell it. Yes, that is true. In fact, I had to Google it because I couldn’t even get close enough for spell check