Exposing lies, pretensions and stupidity in the world of food.

My Nutritionist Licks His Own Butt

Saturday, March 19, 2016


  1. The Most Unfashionable Defence of All
    The Most Unfashionable Defence of All
    May 20, 2016
    Okay, remember, like we practised, don’t mention the Hemsleys, don’t mention the Hemsleys, don’t mention the Hemsleys… So, the Hemsley sisters… Really! 3 words in? People are going to start talking. Is this like when you used to fancy that girl at school and instead of asking her out you just used to insult her all the time? No it’s not. The Hemsleys really do annoy me. And I don’t think anyone wants to hear about what happened when I was at school. Bet they do. No they don’t. People
  2. Introducing the Health Blogomator 4000
    Introducing the Health Blogomator 4000
    May 13, 2016
    OK. Settle down everyone. Quiet at the back please. Especially you lot. The ones here from that fashion blogger’s website. There is serious business to attend to. A couple of points of order. Firstly, I hope you have all had a chance to look at the various things I have been up to. I did an interview on the excellent Poppy Dinsey’s website, so here is a link to that (link). And if you haven’t read it, here’s a link to The New Scientist piece about the Hemsley sisters and the GAPS diet
  3. The unstoppable decline of football in the East Midlands
    The unstoppable decline of football in the East Midlands
    May 08, 2016
    Now, I know that you all look forward to my next sweary rant at the latest clean eating star, but I am afraid you will have to wait. Today, we are going to try and learn something, OK. Oh. Do we have to Angry Chef? Yes we do. Angry Chef is not all about fun, games and curse words you know. Sometimes we have to acquire some new skills. If all I did was swear about the latest Joe Wicks wannabee, or tongue-scraping instablogger nutrimodel, where would we be. I am not always going to be there to
  4. The Irritating Superstars of Health and Fitness
    The Irritating Superstars of Health and Fitness
    May 02, 2016
    The guilty secrets of an Angry Chef I have guilt. I have been working with food for the past twenty years. Ten years of that was in restaurants and ten years as a development chef in the food manufacturing industry. In that time a huge food related health and obesity crisis has unfolded and I can’t help feeling responsible. All that cream, butter and sugar I fed people. All those rich sauces and indulgent desserts. I know it is not entirely my fault, but it does play on my mind. As a sort of